Working With Polymer Plates

Posted on Thu, 19 Oct, 2017

An article by Chris Vasper (originally from The Association of Hot Foil Printers and their Allied Trades Monthly Magazine). As a company that sells used foil printers and polymer plate making equipment and uses polymer plates on a very regular basis, we often get asked about buying... Continue Reading →

Hot Foil Printing for Print & Copy Shops

Posted on Fri, 30 Jan, 2015

Introduction to Foil Printing for Print & Copy Shops It is a misnomer that foil printing is difficult to source and expensive to produce ,but I will perhaps agree that many companies can not find a local foil printer in their area. I know these are sweeping... Continue Reading →

Type or Not to Type Part 2

Posted on Thu, 22 Jan, 2015

Of course like everything in life just buying type is never going to be easy as there are several grades or hardness´s of type are available and often it is difficult to tell the difference between them to the uninitiated . Once the type is made up... Continue Reading →

Diary of a Printer Alledged March 2012

Posted on Tue, 09 Apr, 2013

This time of year February is always the most busy time of the year for us at VIP, this is the time when all the major exhibitions take place at the NEC and this year we have attend 3 in 4 weeks spending a total of 11... Continue Reading →

Diary of a Printer Alleged Feb 2011

Posted on Fri, 15 Mar, 2013

For many years I have had a range of both White Printing and clear foils (Mylar) sitting in a box gathering dust and generally just degrading, with the case of white foil as you know these ‘go off’ quicker than most other colours. In fact I’m hard... Continue Reading →

To Foil or not to Foil

Posted on Wed, 13 Mar, 2013

Hi everyone, have you ever had one of those foiling jobs you’re just not sure whether you should take it on or not, well we have just recently had one of those jobs. A customer phoned up to ask if we would be interested in foiling a... Continue Reading →

Hot Foil UK

Posted on Wed, 20 Feb, 2013

Since the inception of the Foilink Magazine I have been very much involved in firstly writing articles in the magazine for the readers and then over the last 7 years not only writing articles up to April 2012 but also editing the magazine (up to September 2011)... Continue Reading →